BOOKLOVE: Last Quarter of 2014

2015 has just passed its one-day mark and I already have a backlog. Three of them in fact because, for the last three months of 2014, I have failed to update my BOOKLOVE feature. Sure, there have been attempts to avoid the undesirable result of having a backlog but, alas, I have no excuse why … Continue reading

Essential Reading: January 2015

Choosing what books to read has become one of my favorite things to do at the beginning of the month. There’s something comforting in going through your library, checking out the blurbs of your books, and then finally choosing a number of books to read for the month. Maybe you’ll even pick a theme for … Continue reading

2014: A Year In Reading

2014, like all years past ever since I started blogging, has been an extraordinary year for reading. I’ve read 62 books total and most of them were amazing reads. Yes, yes, there were a few duds and even some of the worst pieces of literature that I have encountered in my life but the good and the … Continue reading