Hooliganism: A to Z Book Survey

Apparently, a book survey is making the rounds in the internet specifically on book blogs. I first saw the post on KyusiReader and I’ve decided to do the survey on my blog. It makes for an interesting entry, it will make up for my lack of blogging lately, and it’s fun to fill out. Trifecta. Here … Continue reading

Hooliganism: 2013’s Best Reads So Far

I have been going into a blogging rut lately because of various disturbances in my life (rewatching sitcoms, for example) that I felt that I should at least post a short feature to hopefully restart my article production especially reviews and whatnot. Yes, baby steps first. Anyway, I just remembered that we are already halfway … Continue reading

Hooliganism: Short Stories

Just quite recently, I’ve read a lot of short story collections. In began in December when I read the Ecco Book of Christmas Stories and the said book introduced me to short story writers like Paul Auster, Alice Munro, John Cheever, Vladimir Nabokov, and Graham Greene. I think that was the moment when I realized how … Continue reading

Hooliganism: Genre Kryptonite

Three nights ago, while I was browsing Bookriot (one of the websites that I frequent), I came across a feature of theirs titled Genre Kryptonite. Bookriot explains the feature in these words: GENRE KRYPTONITE is a regular feature about genres we have an inexplicable weak spot for. I clicked on one of the articles under Genre Kryptonite labeled as Dysfunctional Families (Under-the-Radar Edition) and … Continue reading

Hooliganism: Book OCD and Lack of Shelf Space

I think that I have a sickness when it comes to buying books and my need to synchronize the edition of my books with each other. You see, whenever I go to Fullybooked or NBS, I see portions of shelves where books have the same spines whether it be a DeLillos with the same black … Continue reading

Hooliganism: The Future of the Novel

Bookish Hooliganism is, true to form, an irregular feature in The Book Hooligan where I talk about the world of books, a world that I really love. This feature come and goes. It is in no way daily, weekly or monthly. It just is. I have been browsing the internet for things about Philip Roth since, while reading Everyman, I … Continue reading