Essential Reading: September 2016

It has been a while since I wrote for this blog. You see, I have been very busy ever since I returned to the Philippines for a playwriting workshop that I attended at the CCP. Also because the place I’m staying in does not have an internet connection that would allow me to write for … Continue reading

Essential Reading: June 2016

Of course I had to bounce back from the dismal reading that I did last month (a measly three books when I’m trying to read at least five every month). The way I bounced back was by reading a bevy of shorter works, novellas and graphic novels (which are not lesser in stature just because … Continue reading

Essential Reading: May 2016

This post is incredibly, stupendously late. Oh well. True to TS Eliot’s words, April has been a cruel month. Well, at least it has been cruel to my reading as I have finished less than the average number of books that I usually read on a monthly basis but that’s the cynical view. Of course … Continue reading

Essential Reading: April 2016

The long cold nights of winter have now passed as we usher in April and spring. There is a revitalizing spirit in the air that makes me want to read more books than I could handle. I find myself every now and then looking at my library and dreaming of reading many of my books … Continue reading

Essential Reading: March 2016

Where I’m from, winter is finally on its last legs. Despite the romanticism that is often associated with winter, I have never been a fan of the season. Yes, the whiteness of snowfall can often captivate a man who thrives on cynicism but hours and hours of shoveling just to clear up a few square … Continue reading

Essential Reading: February 2016

I didn’t expect January to turn out to be that rewarding in terms of reading because I was in a slump when the year started. It’s a good thing that two of the books that I read, Michel Faber’s The Book of Strange New Things and Dorothy B. Hughes’ The Expendable man, were perfect in terms of their … Continue reading

2015: A Year in Reading

I have been quite lazy lately in writing for this blog. I have neglected reviews, turned in posts later than usual, and just let the blog gather dust. Still, the New Year is supposedly a time for renewal which begs the assumption that I, along with the year, will change. Only problem is that I don’t … Continue reading

Essential Reading: December 2015

It’s finally the last month of the year. I haven’t finished reading most of the books that I decided on reading last month because, as per usual, I was waylaid by not only other books but other hobbies. For instance, last month I was given two video games, Fallout 4 and Star Wars: Battlefront, that took the time that I … Continue reading

Essential Reading: November 2015

I really don’t know why I still keep up this feature in my blog. I make a list of books to read for a certain month yet I always abandon some of the books in order to read something else entirely. For the month of October, I abandoned Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man is Hard to … Continue reading

Essential Reading: October 2015

September means that, in my side of the globe, it is starting to get really cold which has the effect of making me want to just lie down in my bed and cover myself with blankets while getting nothing done. I haven’t written any reviews last month and I would wager that it would be the … Continue reading